UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source. This is a battery used to power a PC or a web server to avoid the loss of information when the main power source fails for some reason or becomes unstable. A diesel generator practically self-explanatory. UPSs and generators are used as a backup in data centers to back up the power and to ensure the constant running of all of the machines located there. As the UPS operates all the time, it provides the required power for the servers to remain working until the generator starts and takes over. Using this sort of a backup is crucial for any data center or service provider that wants to keep their hardware and data intact in the case of a power surge or outage, because it provides them with enough time to react until the problem is resolved and the primary power supply is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Hosting

If you buy a hosting solution from our company, you won't ever have to worry about potential electrical power outages causing the loss of precious data, even if you host important websites on our servers. All of the web servers that are part of our groundbreaking cluster platform use highly effective UPSs which can keep them working for a long length of time - more than enough for a number of diesel generators to begin functioning and take over. The latter are effective enough to keep all the 3 facilities completely functional for a number of hours and with no restrictions, so your sites will continue to operate properly and without any delays or restrictions. The power backup is among the elements behind our 99.9% service uptime guarantee.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The semi-dedicated server accounts we provide are created inside a state-of-the-art data center in the downtown area of Chicago and its electric power backup system is amongst the reasons why we are able to afford to guarantee a 99.9% uptime for both the machines which are part of our highly developed hosting platform and the network which handles all of the traffic to and from them. An individual UPS device is connected to every single machine to keep it online until numerous generators kick in. The latter are effective enough to deliver electric power for the entire center for many hours without the need to limit the power consumption or the overall performance of any hosting server or network device, so even when there is a blackout, all of the websites hosted on our platform shall still be accessible without any disturbances and will work at top speed.