When you work with a script-driven application on your website and all content that you create is saved in a database, your hosting package needs to have adequate database storage space, in order to make certain that even when the website expands, you won't have any difficulties due to the lack of space. PostgreSQL is a good example of a well-known database management system which is used with a large number of scalable web apps and in case you're looking for improved performance and security for your website, it's more than likely that you will use this system. With this in mind, you will need a website hosting plan that won't limit your world wide web presence, especially if you need to manage several websites and each of them employs PostgreSQL databases.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Hosting

All our Linux hosting were designed with the idea to give you the option to choose the ideal characteristics based on the type of sites you'd like to host. If you don't need PostgreSQL databases, for instance, you can select a package that doesn't contain this system as standard. In case you change your opinion eventually or if you need PostgreSQL from the beginning, you can select one of the plans that include PostgreSQL support. All of the packages feature sufficient storage space dedicated to your databases, therefore even when your sites get bigger, you will not have any problems, as some plans come even with unrestricted space. For the lower-end plans, the PostgreSQL storage is upgraded with just a few clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel.

PostgreSQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are suitable to host any kind of PostgreSQL-driven script application. One of the differences between the packages is in the number of databases and the storage space for them that you receive, so as to give you an option to pick the characteristics that you really need. For a small-scale website, for instance, you will not need that many resources, whereas for a large portal, a forum with a large number of users or a webstore with plenty of products you may take advantage of our top-end plan that contains limitless PostgreSQL database storage. As all of your accounts are installed on a cloud hosting platform, all databases run on a separate cluster and they will not share the system resources with other types of files. In this way, we achieve several things - much better performance of script websites and practically limitless database storage space.