Since script-driven applications collect their info inside a database, incorporating more information to this sort of Internet site will not result in a larger size of the app files, but in a larger size of the database your website employs. In case you run a WordPress blog, for example, the disk space which its database uses will grow every time you add new posts and visitors leave opinions beneath them. A growing database can become an issue if the web hosting account which you use has limited storage space and sometimes even plans with unlimited space in general have limited database storage space. After you reach the limit, you won't be able to add new content. Other probable outcomes are that your website may not work the way it ought to or that it might not appear online at all, which might result in lost customers.

MySQL Database Storage in Hosting

We use a cutting-edge cloud website hosting platform and all databases created in the hosting accounts on it are handled by a different cluster of web servers, so we have decided to not limit the total space they could take. Any database in an account can be of any size, so the growth of your sites shall not be restricted, since we are able to keep attaching extra machines to the cluster if needed for providing both more space and far better load balancing. In case you run a community forum, for example, you shall not need to worry that too many users could join or that they may post far too many comments. Taking advantage of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, you shall be able to export or import a database of any size easily. If you experience any problems with this task, you should check our help articles and video lessons or you can communicate with our technical support team, which is available 24/7, including holidays and weekends.

MySQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Linux semi-dedicated hosting we offer you use a custom cloud platform in which the files, databases and email messages are handled by their own clusters of web servers. Put simply, if you use such a plan, you’ll no longer need to worry about the size of your databases simply because there's practically no limit for the database space - we may keep adding as many hard disk drives or whole web servers to the cluster as required. For that reason, any MySQL-based web site which you host inside the semi-dedicated account may evolve without any limitations. Via the phpMyAdmin software instrument, which could be accessed through the Hepsia web hosting CP, you will be able to import or export your databases with a couple of mouse clicks regardless how massive they are. If you don't have previous experience with such matters, you could always ask our technical support for assistance.